Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ashley C. post 1

Part I: Find at least 5 images from your everyday surroundings. For each one, discuss how they function as representations, focusing on their truth value. How do they purport to tell the truth, and what truth is it?

1) Rollins College Fiat Lux

The symbol of Rollins College is the Fiat Lux, which shows a sun rising over the water with the saying “Let there be light” in Latin above it. This symbol represents what the college stands for. It represents the idea that at Rollins, there are resources that will help light our way, preparing us for a more informed and overall better life.

2) E-Mail Mailbox

On my email homepage, an image of a mailbox filled to the brim with letters sometimes appears. This mailbox tells me that someone has sent me an email. In a sense, this image represents a connection to the world. It represents communication.

3) License Plates

Florida’s License plate shows an image of the state of Florida and an orange, and bears the state’s motto, “The Sunshine State.” The writing and the image of the state are both green. The license implies that Florida is a vibrant and happy place to be. Florida’s motto implies that it is always sunny here. However, that is far from the truth. Most Florida summers see just as much rain as they do sunshine.

4) McDonalds Golden Arches

McDonalds is universally known for its two golden arches. In a way, an arch draws you forward. It shows you were to go. It leads you. McDonald’s arches imply simply that you should go to McDonalds. The arches lead you to the restaurant. It represents the way you should go, the place you should be.

5) Chick-Fil-A Cows

The mascot of the fast food restaurant Chick-Fil-A is a group of cows with hand painted signs which read, “Eat Mor Chikin.” In other words, eat at Chick-Fil-A, which doesn’t serve any meat other than chicken. With the poor grammer used on the cow’s signs, it could be sending the message that even someone who is not so intelligent has enough sense to eat at Chick-Fil-A.

Select 2 of these images and, following the discussion on pp. 25-31, with diagram p. 29, carry out a semiotic analysis of the images in order to discern what ideology they could be promoting.

With the image of the Fiat Lux, the signifier is the golden sun rising above the water with the words “Fiat Lux” written above. The signified is an idea of enlightenment and learning. The sign or ideology represented is that at Rollins, you will receive an education that will enlighten you.

With the McDonald’s Restaurant symbol, the two golden arches are the signifier. The signified is that you are drawn towards the arches, and that the arches lead to the right path you should take. The sign is that the path you should take is to McDonalds.

Find 2 more images, one of which should fall into the category of "high" art, using a work of art on campus (outdoor sculpture, museum, the library, offices, etc.), and the other "low" art. Discuss how they can be classified as "high" or "low" (see pp. 31-35).

My poster of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow hanging on my wall in my dorm would be classified as “low” art. It is merely aesthetically pleasing. There is no deep and underlying meaning to the poster.

The Knowles Memorial Chapel could be classified as “high” art. The detailed, hand painted ceiling leave the viewer with a sense of awe and amazement. You are left wondering how a person could achieve such an accomplishment. It adds to the overall grandeur of the church. It also evokes a spiritual feeling in the viewer.

Part II: In response to Chapt. 5, on mass media, discuss whether you think mass media has a democratic or an oppressive function in our society. Use examples of any kind of mass media to make your points, but be specific.

I see mass media as more democratic than an oppressive function in society. Because of mass media, we have more choices, and we are more informed. Because of the daily newspaper and often thrice daily television news reports, it is much easier for Americans to be up to date on the events taking place not only in the United States, but around the world. Without the mass media, we would have to rely on word of mouth and letters for news, which could both be inaccurate and delayed.

1 comment:

kim said...

I agree with your analysis of the Chick-fil-A cow and the Florida license plate. The cow’s improper spelling definitely draws attention to an advertisement. The childish handwriting on the cow’s sandwich board appeals to the children who recognize a little bit of their own handwriting on the board. In addition, Chick-fil-A, as a fast food joint, attracts a large variety of customers, from the wealthy to the lower class. The misspelled words might put a lower class person at ease when they read it, and therefore feel more comfortable eating at Chick-fil-A.

I think the green words on the Florida license plate are very important. As the sunshine state, we are known for our weather and environment. Many people visit the Everglades on their trips to Florida because of its lush, green beauty. Many city-dwellers visit Florida for an escape from the concrete floors and high rises of their homes. The green words seem to literally represent Florida as a green place. The almost tropical appeal that Florida has draws people into the state, and the green words on the license plates act as a reminder, to everyone behind a Florida driver, that Florida is a paradise.