Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ashley C. Post 2

Ashley Cannaday
The first image I chose for this assignment is of The Kennedy family at the funeral of John F. Kennedy, with John Jr. giving a salute. To me, this picture creates unity and strength among Americans. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy shook our nation. It was a major tragedy that, in the end, brought us closer together. For days straight, every television was on, and everyone was glued to footage of the incident. It was as if the rest of the world had just stopped. America became more connected, and came together as a nation in order to get through the tragedy. Plato would have approved of this image, because it benefits the state. It makes the nation stronger and more empowered. To Plato, the death of JFK may be justified because it resulted in the greater good for the state.

The second image I chose shows an aborted human fetus next to a U.S. quarter. It is a very graphic image and may be offensive, so I will only post the link to the image:

. In this photo, the first object that you see is the quarter, and what draws the most attention is the word “Liberty.” However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the quarter is on top of the remains of an aborted fetus, and that the hands and feet are clearly definable. This image is an example of one that would lead the nation towards disharmony and conflict. The issue of abortion is heavily debated in America today. Some believe in a woman’s right to choose, while others argue that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder. This image evokes sadness and even disgust in the viewer. By showing the hands and feet of the fetus, it is humanized. It makes you think of the fetus as a person, and not just a clump of developing cells. This image is obviously used to support the view that abortion is murder. The topic of abortion has divided America, causing conflict rather than camaraderie. Plato would not approve of this image because it causes dissent among the nation. It splits the state into two opposing views, and as Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided cannot stand.” This image threatens the prosperity of the nation.


Amanda Dhillon said...

The photograph of the fetus and the quarter is incredibly powerful and provocative in that anyone who has the tiniest shred of sympathy and respect for human life (or life in general) cannot ignore the message that the image presents. I agree wholeheartedly with Ashley that it is indeed an example of an image that would cause disharmony and conflict in the nation, especially since the photo features national currency, a symbol of our country. Such strong feelings and beliefs come into play with the abortion issue, and when one sees an image such as this, it becomes very difficult to restrain those feelings, often resulting in extreme disagreement and conflict between groups of people in support of pro-choice or pro-life. I’m sure that we will see heated conflict and argumentation arise when this issue is brought up before our class.
On an even smaller level than that of interpersonal disharmony and disagreement, this image has the potential to cause conflicting emotions within the individual viewer. One may feel that he or she is a firm believer in the woman’s right to choose abortion, but seeing such a picture tends to evoke a sense of guilt for the reality of what does happen as a result of that choice. This is particularly hard when the arms of the fetus frame the word “Liberty,” almost mocking the idea that there is any freedom of choice or right to choose involved in this issue at all.

Christopher said...

I would like to comment on what Amanda said in her comment, about "conflicting emotions within the individual viewer." I happen to be a firm believer in a woman's right to choose--I do not think that it should be anyone but the woman itself to decide what to do to her body, her life, and her future. However, seeing this image shows abortion as an extremely inhumane practice, and it does make you wonder whether or not abortion is ethical. Nevertheless, such images need not be seen; however atrocious they may look it is not necessary to look at the physical product of a procedure such as abortion. It will keep those who are against abortion at bay, and will possibly ease the gilt of those who do believe in, or have had abortions.